There's been a bunch of diabetes-related reports hitting the press recently, so many that it provoked my blogging nerve, so here's my take. There will be opportunities for me to say "I told you so". A more charitable person might not do it. Believe me, I will. You can comment, or not, as you see fit.
Firstly, the study from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
on the effects of low blood sugar on the heart health of Type II diabetics. The study, as you probably know by now, didn't show that lowering BG lowered the risk of heart attacks, it actually increased them. This seems to be a big surprise to everyone. They halted the study and from what I've read in the press are standing around scratching their heads and looking perplexed. Well am I the only person around here who knows that large amounts of insulin will stop your heart? Like any other medicine there's a fine line between something doing you good and something killing you. And if your beta cells are still functioning, no matter how poorly, all that extra synthetic insulin can be a problem.
Secondly, when I was diagnosed Type I (a
million twenty+ years ago), the Head of Diabetic Medicine said to me: We're striving for tight control. BUT REMEMBER, don't strive so hard that you go too low because you'll bounce back up. That's what we want to avoid. That's what causes complications. No one ever mentioned it to me again but I never forgot it because it made sense. All those cells and blood vessels fighting to regulate themselves can't be good for the arteries or the nerves. Once again, if you give Type II diabetics too much insulin guess what'll happen.
Thirdly, there's the drug interaction to look at as well. The people in the study were taking many drugs. I don't think the body is designed to take many drugs. I take many drugs and I know this to be true, to lower my blood pressure I now take three drugs, yet my blood pressure is the same as it's always been. Too high. The drugs made zero difference. But here's the kicker. I can't stop taking any of them or even lower the dosage because my blood pressure skyrockets. They do no good, but I'm dependent on them. The therapy made things worse. I'd maintain here that it would have been better to say my blood pressure is higher than normal, it's always been so and we should leave it as such. But I drank the Kool-Aid. I don't think I'm the only one that this holds true for and I think there's too much aggressive therapy going on when we really don't know the long term effects.
I laughed when I read the final line from the interview with Dr Dove of The American College of Cardiology
“It is a great study and very well run,” Dr. Dove said. “And it certainly had the right principles behind it.”
But maybe, he said, “there may be some scientific principles that don’t hold water in a diabetic population.” Or maybe you need to reassess your scientific principles, Dr? Maybe it's not us, maybe it's you?
Another study on
metabolic syndrome seems to show that Diet Soda plays a big role in the disease. Well, yeah. I told you that stuff is poison, right? And I was roundly mocked. I think I mentioned that it was a friend who was allergic to wheat who first told me I could cure the reoccurring bouts of thrush I got after a course of antibiotics by giving up Diet Coke. I did it, the thrush disappeared and it never came back. I also told you that your body thinks that stuff is sugar. And it does. Only it's worse, it's chemical sugar. That's bad for your body. Very, very bad. Bad enough to cause
metabolic syndrome.
Finally, from the DUH department of medical research, it seems that
obesity may be largely genetic! Well, DUH, DUH, DUH. I am now officially speechless.